

CEO's column: The future for asset management

By intouch * posted 11-07-2018 09:35


When Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Hon Michael McCormack MP, accepted our invitation to deliver the signature address at the upcoming IPWEA Asset Management Congress in Canberra (14-15 August 2018), we knew that the Federal Government was serious about engaging in dialogue with IPWEA about the future of asset management for the communities of 2030.

Robert_Fuller_b_w_cropped.jpgIs your council prepared for the onset of digital management of its assets? Do you have protocols for the large amount of data to be crunched to improve your asset management? Are you prepared for less government funding? Do you have a sound understanding of what community expectations will be in 2030 – and are you planning for these now? 

What are you doing about resilience for your organisation when the 53% of current engineers retire in five to seven years’ time? 

These are just some of the in-depth questions that will be covered in the upcoming congress.  If you haven’t registered yet, do so now. Be engaged. Have input. Learn from the best and brightest in the industry. Are you a decision maker or a follower?

This AM Congress is another plank in IPWEA’s National Asset Management Strategy (NAMS) and exemplifies our industry leadership in asset management. 

When the Canadian Government awarded NAMS Canada significant grant funding over the next 18 months to uplift the knowledge and capacity of AM practitioners across Canada, then you know that IPWEA’s NAMS is recognised world-wide. While NAMS Canada is separate legal entity, they are an affiliate of IPWEA and use the IPWEA NAMS system and training.

If IPWEA’s NAMS is good enough for the Canadian government to back it, and is used by many other countries around the world, then how can you miss the opportunity to part of the congress that shapes the future direction of asset management for Australia and New Zealand? 

The Congress is less than five weeks away, and you have a new financial year training budget, so invest in being part of shaping the future: your organisation’s future; your asset management future; your community’s future.

Register now. 

Robert Fuller