Upcoming Training & Events

Upcoming Australasia Events

Continue your professional development with IPWEA Australasia’s upcoming training opportunities.

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Fleet Training Days

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Upcoming Training

  • Fleet Management Certificate

    Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 09:00 - 17:00 Sydney time

    Learn, practice and apply the critical principles, knowledge and skills required to effectively and efficiently manage a plant and vehicle fleet. The Fleet Management Certificate features 6 inter-related units – each dealing with an important aspect of fleet management.


  • Asset Management Foundations

    Monday, March 10, 2025, 09:00 - 17:00 Sydney time

    The Asset Management Foundations course is a self-paced online course, featuring 4 modules that are designed to build capacity for any asset intensive organisation while increasing your own understanding of the asset management discipline.

    The key objectives of the course are to define what asset management is and understand why it is important.



  • Infrastructure Asset Management Planning for Elected Members

    Monday, March 10, 2025, 10:00 - 14:00 Sydney time

    Delivered in a flexible, online format, comprising four live webinars, this course will build your capacity and confidence to be a champion of asset management, ensuring the delivery of sustainable services to your community. 


  • Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning

    Monday, April 7, 2025, 09:00 - 17:00 Sydney time

    The Professional Certificate is recognised as a global standard in Asset Management training. It provides hands-on experience using your own data, where participants draft as Asset Management plan as part of completing the course.



  • Professional Certificate in Infrastructure Financial Management

    Monday, April 14, 2025, 09:00 - 17:00 Sydney time

    The key objectives of the course are to establish the importance of infrastructure stewardship responsibilities and learn how to meet this stewardship responsibility through the integration of asset management and financial management planning concepts.



  • NHVR CoR Executive Training - New South Wales

    Tuesday, May 13, 2025, 09:00 - 15:30 Sydney time

    By attending this workshop you’ll connect with a network of likeminded executives and senior managers in local government who want to exercise due diligence to improve the safety and compliance of their fleet’s heavy vehicle transport activities.

    Gain knowledge and guidance to develop high-level Chain of Responsibility plans for your organisation.

    Local governments own and operate fleets that are used to perform a range of vital services for people and businesses. Many of these services, such as waste management and the construction and maintenance of roads and recreational facilities, are done using heavy vehicles (greater than 4.5 tonnes).

    This means the executives and senior managers within local government need to understand Chain of Responsibility (CoR) to ensure the safety of heavy vehicles on the road, and exercise due diligence to ensure their organisation complies with its primary duty under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

    IPWEA has been awarded a grant by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) to deliver 12 Hybrid CoR training sessions and implementation workshops. The grant allows IPWEA to deliver CoR sessions for council CEOs, General Managers and Directors at no charge.

    These sessions will be tailored for local government executives and senior managers using IPWEA’s experience training Fleet Managers in the safe and efficient operation of local government fleets with the Plant and Vehicle Management Manual (PVMM).

    Morning tea and lunch are included.


  • NHVR CoR Executive Training - Queensland

    Thursday, May 15, 2025, 09:00 - 15:30 AEST

    By attending this workshop you’ll connect with a network of likeminded executives and senior managers in local government who want to exercise due diligence to improve the safety and compliance of their fleet’s heavy vehicle transport activities.

    Gain knowledge and guidance to develop high-level Chain of Responsibility plans for your organisation.

    Local governments own and operate fleets that are used to perform a range of vital services for people and businesses. Many of these services, such as waste management and the construction and maintenance of roads and recreational facilities, are done using heavy vehicles (greater than 4.5 tonnes).

    This means the executives and senior managers within local government need to understand Chain of Responsibility (CoR) to ensure the safety of heavy vehicles on the road, and exercise due diligence to ensure their organisation complies with its primary duty under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

    IPWEA has been awarded a grant by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) to deliver 12 Hybrid CoR training sessions and implementation workshops. The grant allows IPWEA to deliver CoR sessions for council CEOs, General Managers and Directors at no charge.

    These sessions will be tailored for local government executives and senior managers using IPWEA’s experience training Fleet Managers in the safe and efficient operation of local government fleets with the Plant and Vehicle Management Manual (PVMM).

    Morning tea and lunch are included.


  • IPWEA Fleet Brisbane Truck Show Lunch

    Friday, May 16, 2025, 12:00 - 15:00 AEST

    the Brisbane Truck Show brings the IPWEA Fleet community together, and we’re excited to provide an opportunity for you to connect and compare notes on the latest innovations and trends.The lunch will be held at The Plough Inn in South Bank.


  • NHVR CoR Executive Training - South Australia

    Tuesday, May 27, 2025, 09:00 - 15:30 ACST

    By attending this workshop you’ll connect with a network of likeminded executives and senior managers in local government who want to exercise due diligence to improve the safety and compliance of their fleet’s heavy vehicle transport activities.

    Gain knowledge and guidance to develop high-level Chain of Responsibility plans for your organisation.

    Local governments own and operate fleets that are used to perform a range of vital services for people and businesses. Many of these services, such as waste management and the construction and maintenance of roads and recreational facilities, are done using heavy vehicles (greater than 4.5 tonnes).

    This means the executives and senior managers within local government need to understand Chain of Responsibility (CoR) to ensure the safety of heavy vehicles on the road, and exercise due diligence to ensure their organisation complies with its primary duty under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

    IPWEA has been awarded a grant by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) to deliver 12 Hybrid CoR training sessions and implementation workshops. The grant allows IPWEA to deliver CoR sessions for council CEOs, General Managers and Directors at no charge.

    These sessions will be tailored for local government executives and senior managers using IPWEA’s experience training Fleet Managers in the safe and efficient operation of local government fleets with the Plant and Vehicle Management Manual (PVMM).

    Morning tea and lunch are included.


  • NHVR CoR Executive Training - Victoria

    Thursday, May 29, 2025, 09:00 - 15:30 Melbourne time

    By attending this workshop you’ll connect with a network of likeminded executives and senior managers in local government who want to exercise due diligence to improve the safety and compliance of their fleet’s heavy vehicle transport activities.

    Gain knowledge and guidance to develop high-level Chain of Responsibility plans for your organisation.

    Local governments own and operate fleets that are used to perform a range of vital services for people and businesses. Many of these services, such as waste management and the construction and maintenance of roads and recreational facilities, are done using heavy vehicles (greater than 4.5 tonnes).

    This means the executives and senior managers within local government need to understand Chain of Responsibility (CoR) to ensure the safety of heavy vehicles on the road, and exercise due diligence to ensure their organisation complies with its primary duty under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

    IPWEA has been awarded a grant by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) to deliver 12 Hybrid CoR training sessions and implementation workshops. The grant allows IPWEA to deliver CoR sessions for council CEOs, General Managers and Directors at no charge.

    These sessions will be tailored for local government executives and senior managers using IPWEA’s experience training Fleet Managers in the safe and efficient operation of local government fleets with the Plant and Vehicle Management Manual (PVMM).

    Morning tea and lunch are included.


  • Integrating Asset Management and Governance

    Monday, June 2, 2025, 09:00 - 17:00 Sydney time

    Gain the tools to apply robust asset management across the whole of your organization. This course will empower participants to implement better Asset Management practices across the organisation by explaining the importance of integrated asset management planning.




Short Courses (Learn at your own pace)

Recycled Materials in Infrastructure

Circular Economy and Use of Recycled Materials in Infrastructure Assets

Online Course

The Circular Economy and Use of Recycled Materials in Infrastructure Assets course will rapidly build your knowledge and skills in Circular Economy and Use of Recycled Materials in Infrastructure Assets

Asset Tracking & Monitoring

Asset Tracking & Monitoring Online Learning Program

Online Course

The Asset Tracking and Monitoring course will rapidly build your knowledge and skills in asset tracking and monitoring, build familiarity with the IPWEA Asset Tracking and Monitoring publications


Upcoming Webinars

  • Asset Management for Green Infrastructure Webinar

    Jan 1 - Dec 31, (Sydney time)

    IPWEA, in conjunction with Landscape Federation of Australia and Active Green Services delivered this event live in April 2024 and is available to view as a recorded webinar session. Find more about this webinar by clicking on the button below.


  • 2025 Economic outlook for Fleet Managers

    Feb 20, 11:00 - 12:00 (Sydney time)

    The webinar covers key topics like interest rates, inflation, macro-political impacts, supply chain challenges, and Australia’s shift to low-emission transport. Gain actionable insights for budgeting, fleet replacement, and sustainable fleet planning.



Fleet Management Training Days

For more info on the IPWEA Fleet Management Training Days visit this page

New training days coming soon!