
Tasmania 2023

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About IPWEA Tasmania

Our role is to provide member services and advocacy that advance the professional and technical interests for our members that allow them to improve the quality of life of local communities.

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Upcoming Events


Procurement Course

Road Engineering Foundations

When: 17 Jul 2024
Time: 9:00 to 13:00 (AEST)

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Stormwater Course

Stormwater Management Foundations

When: 16 Oct 2024
Time: 9:00 to 13:00 (AEST)

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Project Management

Project Management Foundations

When: 13 Nov 2024
Time: 9:00 to 13:00 (AEST)

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Upcoming Pathway Training

Event #1

Asset Management Foundations

Monday 16th August 2024, 9:00am AEST

CPD 25 hours

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Event #2

Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning

Monday 26th August 2024, 9:00am AEST

CPD approx. 50-60 hours

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Event #3

Professional Certificate in Infrastructure Financial Management

Monday 2nd September 2024, 9:00am AEST

CPD approx. 30-40 hours

Register Now ➔

Tasmania Standard

Tasmanian Municipal Standards

To access the Tasmanian Municipal Standard Drawings, Specifications and Subdivision Guidelines or Stormwater Policy click the button below.

PW Foundations

Public Works Foundations Program

Role-relevant content developed by specialist sector partners

Presented annually, our eight online courses have been curated to develop the skills of public works engineering and technical professionals in key responsibility areas.

eNewsletter Tasmania


Subscribe to get our latest news and updates.

Hoopla Jobs

Hoopla for Jobs

Think about it: IPWEA has over 4,000 members and 20,000+ Ask Your Mates subscribers. Many other associations have tens of thousands of members. Doesn’t it make much more sense to target your job hunting right at your industry to get straight to the people you want to attract?