Excellence Awards

Conference Sponsorship Opportunities Public Works Engineering Foundation of Tasmania (PWEFT)

PWEFT actively supports members and non-members with funding opportunities to attend conferences that will improve knowledge and experience in public works engineering. The Foundation invites expressions of interest for funding support for any upcoming conferences related to public works.

Applications must be addressed to The Chairman, Board of Trustees, Public Works Engineering Foundation of Tasmania, and be emailed to tas@ipwea.org.

Applicants should provide:

  • Name and membership number if applicable.
  • Work experience and current role.
  • Contributions made to IPWEA and public works.
  • Conference details.
  • A statement on why you wish to attend the conference and the benefits you will gain.
  • Written support from employer confirming availability to attend.
  • A commitment to present your key learnings from the conference at an upcoming IPWEA Tas event.

Emerging Leader Award

IPWEA Tasmania encourages participation and nominations for the Young IPWEA Emerging Leader Award.

To be eligible you must:

  • Be an under 35 member at the time of their nomination
  • Be active within the Institute
  • Show strong/active leadership
  • Exert a positive influence in the industry
  • Demonstrate they are giving back to the community/public

The Award is open to persons employed in either the government sector or the private sector.

For more information please email us.

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IPWEA Tasmania Excellence Awards

The IPWEA Tas Excellence Awards celebrate the achievements and highlight the best and most successful projects undertaken in the public works sector throughout the previous year. Nominations for the following categories must be forwarded to tas@ipwea.org no later than 5pm Wednesday 30th September 2024.

This year the award categories are:

  1. Young IPWEA Emerging Leader
  2. Excellence in Public Works Project
  3. Excellence in Asset Management, Innovation or Sustainability

Nominations for YIPWEA should address the following criteria:

  • Be a member of IPWEA
  • Be aged under 35
  • Be active within the Institute
  • Show’s strong and active leadership
  • Be a positive influence in the workplace
  • Be active in giving back to the community
  • Nominations should address the above 300 words or less

Nominations for categories 2 & 3 should address the following criteria:

  • Provide a description of the project or undertaking (150 words max)
  • Provide information on how the project or undertaking achieved its objectives (150 words max)
  • Provide a basis for how the project or undertaking contributes positively to the public works industry (150 words max)

Excellence Awards Results

Past Winners

Excellence in Asset Management, Innovation, or Sustainability

  • 2024: “The Wall”, City of Launceston
  • 2023: Derwent Estuary Program and Tamar Estuary & Esk Rivers - Erosion & Sediment Control – The Fundamentals for Development in Tasmania
  • 2022: Tasmanian Stormwater Policy Guidance and Standards for Development, Derwent Estuary Program, and LGAT
  • 2021: Downer – Reconophalt: Sustainable Road Surfacing
  • 2020: Kingborough Council - Blackmans Bay Beach South Recreational Water Quality

Excellence in Public Works Project

  • 2024: Tivoli Green Wetlands, Tivoli Green
  • 2023: Meander Valley Council - Deloraine Suspension Bridge
  • 2022: Penguin Foreshore Rehabilitation and Upgrade Project, Central Coast Council
  • 2021: Glenorchy City Council – CBD Revitalisation Project
  • 2020: Burnie Council for the West Beach Burnie – Eastern Promenade

Young IPWEA Emerging Leader

  • 2024: Nick Browne
  • 2023: Hannah Atkins
  • 2022: Erica Deegan
  • 2021: Callum Pearce-Rasmussen
  • 2020: Meghan Kluver-Jones

IPWEA Tasmania - Fellowship

Any member who has been a member continuously for a period of at least five years may be designated a Fellow by resolution of the IPWEA Board in recognition of outstanding service to the Institute.

The criteria for designation as Fellow are determined by the IPWEA Board and take into account the following:

  • Active involvement with the State Division (Served as a board member , conference organising committee, organised technical or training sessions)
  • Outstanding and continuing contribution to the industry of public works and services : minimum of 15 years experience in public works with evidence of broad experience across the various disciplines of public works
  • Outstanding and continuing contribution to their particular discipline : evidence of sector involvement ( participation in working groups, reference groups eg LGAT, Grants commission, DSG etc ), contribution to sector knowledge via presentations and papers
  • Participation in the IPWEA continuing professional development programs: attendance at technical session , training seminars, demonstration of CPD etc

There are many advantages to becoming a Fellow, it not only shows your active contributions to enhance the quality of life of Tasmanian communities but also gives recognition to other members and non-members of your status and the efforts produced to gain this recognition. Obtaining the membership level of Fellow should also put you in good stead in relation to obtaining the status of a registered professional engineer, it also shows the dedication to become a Fellow of this prestigious membership organisation that has been supporting public works professionals for over 100 years.

If you believe that you could be designated a Fellow contact the Division detailing your involvement with the Institute, your contribution to the industry, and your participation in the continuing professional development program