Good morning
Long time between posts ... in the gap, there has been a lot of work been undertaken by Standards Committee CE-001 working through the comments lodged when the revised standard was exhibited.
In excess of 1,000 comments were received - many on the change in size of the parking space (and B99 vehicle update), some picking up errors in the text and/or omissions with others requesting more information on how to handle/address elements in the standard. There were also a number of comments on not accommodating larger vehicles (B99) i.e. policy position to exclude these vehicles.
One of the challenges for the standard is the balance between providing minimums (or maximums) as per the role of the standard or becoming a design guide (how to). The Standard is not a design guide and is not designed to be such.
One of the important aspects of a standard is understanding the assumptions behind which the standard is based or relies on - when the standard is being applied in circumstances where the assumptions are no longer valid, the user needs to understand the implications.
The review process is nearing completion with a revised product to be referred to Standards to be considered for adoption in the coming months.
Dave Niven
David Niven
Fairfield City Council
Group Manager - City Projects