

Internal Combustion

By FLEET e-news posted 17-06-2021 07:49


Does Your Mother Still Pick Up After You


By: Anonymous Fleet Manager

I don’t understand why some drivers think it’s ok to leave their rubbish in a pool car when they return it. Food wrappers, note paper, empty drink cans, even face masks – sometimes the inside of the car looks like a landfill site! When we first had to deal with COVID, people had a greater focus on hygiene – but old habits die hard, and we can soon drift back to the old ways. Well, it’s not acceptable! Maintain good hygiene and think about the next person to use the car – or face the consequences.

To stop our Anonymous Fleet Manager (AFM) blowing a gasket, we created Internal Combustion, a monthly column for fleet-related rants that lets him blow off some steam. Got a fleet gripe you'd like to get his opinion on? Email the editor who will pass it on to AFM... when he's in a good enough mood, that is.