

NEW: AUS-SPEC Rural Roads Specifications package

By intouch * posted 02-11-2018 08:14


The new AUS-SPEC Rural Roads Package equips councils to implement better practices for the design, construction, maintenance and operation of local roads. Across the asset lifecycle, the package covers documentation for planning, design, tendering, contract preliminaries, construction, maintenance and operation of regional and rural roads.

Picturesque-countryside-road-with-eucalyptus-trees-on-sides-942854036_1258x836.jpegLocal councils manage approximately 80% of Australia’s total road network, comprising a mix of both unsealed and sealed roads. Roads in regional and rural areas provide a vital link between local communities and the major road networks. The design, construction and maintenance of these roads are generally implemented using traditional materials and practices, without any real scientific methodology.

Enhanced technical skills are required to understand that sealed and unsealed local roads are dynamic systems with traffic, environment, road profile and material characteristics influencing their performance. Material blending can be used to reduce defects on the weather exposed unsealed wearing courses. Material and techniques for the placement of material are the only elements that can be controlled and improved.

AUS-SPEC has identified ways councils can extend the life of constructed assets. These life extension methods are documented in the AUS-SPEC worksections and other new reference documents.

AUS-SPEC, a joint venture between IPWEA and NATSPEC, released the new AUS-SPEC Rural Roads Package in October 2018, responding to challenges faced by regional, rural and remote councils. The national local government specification system, AUS-SPEC has now been used by local councils since 1997. This new package is part of an ongoing investment by AUS-SPEC to support rural councils manage their largest asset, roads.

AUS-SPEC national documents have been specifically written for local government. Rural and remote councils will find the new AUS-SPEC Rural Roads Package useful to:

  • Easily document the design, construction and maintenance of their road network using SPECbuilder, specification compiler.
  • Assist councils in bridging the gap where there is lack of in-house engineering capability to efficiently deliver road assets using the new reference documents.
  • Significantly improve the structural integrity, safety and performance of sealed and unsealed roads and will assist councils to effectively serve their communities.


AUS-SPEC is the national specification system for the design, construction, maintenance and operation of local government assets. It is developed by industry, for industry, and is managed by NATSPEC, a national not-for-profit national organisation partly owned by IPWEA. AUS-SPEC comprises various specification packages designed to promote uniformity and best practice in local government asset management. To learn how your local council can save money, improve quality and reduce risk, visit today.


NATSPEC is a national not-for-profit organisation whose objective is to improve the construction quality and productivity of the built environment through leadership of information. It is impartial and not involved in advocacy and policy.