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Construction and installation of Perth's first Smart Freeway is now just months away following the award of a major contract. The tender to construct an extra northbound lane on the Kwinana Freeway using smart technology was awarded to SmartWays Alliance. The Alliance comprises of BMD...
The Federal Government should not shy away from borrowing for public infrastructure investment, particularly while interest rates are low and Australia’s economic credibility remains competitively high, argue a group of influential peak bodies. The Australian Local Government Association,...
Title: The Internet of Things and ACMAs Area of Focus Published by: The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) Year published: 2015 #Australia #Referencedocument #SmartCitiesandNetworks #Yearpublished2015
The Internet of Things and ACMAs Area of Focus - ACMA - 2015.docx
The local government revenue model has been broken by a growing expenditure that far outstrips what citizens are willing to pay for services, according to the authors of a new report. Giving Governments the Reboot: Improving the Financial Sustainability of Local Governments found...
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It’s a common tale: council staff are being asked to complete asset management plans across their departments, without necessarily having the skills in house to write them. Nambucca Shire Council, like many other local governments, has been on an asset management journey, according to...
Young IPWEA operates under the greater IPWEA banner, however a Framework has been created to provide some guidance and terms of reference for the group to operate. As part of this, the committee has formulated a 2 year Action Plan which outlines the goals and actions for Young IPWEA to...
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This paper details the council-based trial of a ratings tool currently under development for sustainable infrastructure management, with a particular focus on road assets. The paper outlines the rating tool in development, the logic behind the ratings metrics used, and the problems encountered...
Pilot Rating Tool Application_ Stage 1 Report.pdf
In communicating the 'public works' message, we should make greater use of video. Check out these statistics in this clip! #Australia #SpeakerPresentation #International #Video
Provides an update of IPWEA's Sustainability Strategy including initiatives addressing capacity building, enhancing networks, engaging with other partners and providing industry leadership. #Australia #CorporateBusinessPlans #ClimateChangeSustainability #PolicyDocuments
IPWEA Sustainability Update April 2013.pdf
How sustainable is your Council’s road maintenance program? How could it be made more sustainable? How does it rate on sustainability with those of other councils? Get answers to these questions, and more, by nominating your council to participate in the pilot application of the Australian...
prospectus inviting councils to nominate for pilot_V3_0811122.pdf