Construction and installation of Perth's first Smart Freeway is now just months away following the award of a major contract.
The tender to construct an extra northbound lane on the Kwinana Freeway using smart technology was awarded to SmartWays Alliance. The Alliance comprises of BMD Constructions, Ventia and Arup, who will work with Main Roads under the contract arrangement.
The Smart Freeway infrastructure will deliver enhanced lane-use management, variable speed limits and coordinated ramp signals to deliver safer and more efficient roads. It's earmarked for operation by early 2020.
Federal Minister for Cities, Urban Infrastructure and Population Alan Tudge said freeway congestion in Perth was increasingly hindering traffic movement across WA.
"Like the name says, this is smart technology, and it will bust congestion across Perth's southern suburbs," Tudge said.
WA Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said this project would create an additional lane from Canning Highway to the Narrows Bridge and make use of smart technology to safely implement an 'all lane running' environment.
"It will deliver journey time savings of up to 10 minutes for freeway road users travelling northbound from Roe Highway to the city," Saffioti said.
"In a constrained location where the railway and Swan River prevent traditional widening works, Smart Freeways offer a great solution to help alleviate and manage congestion, while also improving safety for road users.
"This initiative has been highly successful in other cities in Australia and overseas, with Main Roads WA drawing on expertise from across the country and the UK to inform a Smart Freeways solution suitable for Perth."
Federal Member for Swan Steve Irons said the project will reduce congestion and lead to smarter, safer and more productive journeys around Perth suburbs.
"Smart Freeways boast numerous enhancements on regular roads to create dynamic road systems that are flexible and fit for purpose given the traffic situation at hand," Irons said.
"New emergency stopping bays will also be provided at regular intervals for vehicles to use in the event of a breakdown or incident."
Planning for the $47 million project is underway, with construction and installation expected to be completed in 2019. The project is being jointly delivered by the Australian ($37.6 million) and State ($9.4 million) governments.