Fleet Subscriptions

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Introduction to IPWEA Fleet

IPWEA Fleet is the leading provider of Plant and Vehicle Fleet Management reference materials and provides a range of training and networking opportunities for fleet practitioners managing a diverse range of cars, trucks and plant.

IPWEA Fleet’s mission is to support those working, or intending to work, in the management, procurement, maintenance and use of plant, vehicles and equipment.

Organisations that operate fleets of cars, trucks and plant join IPWEA Fleet via an annual subscription to access the education programs, resources and networking opportunities.

Who should join?

The IPWEA Fleet Subscription is for organisations that are interested in following fleet management best practice to maximise the return on capital employed for their mobile assets.

Local governments, utilities, construction companies and other organisations that operate a diverse range of fleet assets will benefit from the education programs, resources and networking opportunities that are available to IPWEA Fleet Subscribers.


There are a number of opportunities for fleet practitioners to increase their knowledge and skills in asset management through the professional development courses run by IPWEA.

The Fleet Management Certificate provides a qualification in Fleet Management and trains people in how to manage a fleet following best practice guidelines. There are six modules which are delivered online over 12 weeks with assessments to complete for each module.

It is an industry recognised qualification designed specifically for those working or wanting to work in Fleet Management. This course provides the opportunity to learn, practice and apply the critical principles, knowledge and skills required to a fleet of vehicles and plant.

IPWEA Fleet also run conferences, training days and webinars which focus on emerging fleet trends to provide attendees with key learning outcomes that they can use when reviewing Fleet Asset Management Plans or focusing on continuous improvement initiatives.


Connecting with members of the IPWEA fleet community is a great way to find new ideas, and shortcuts, to assist with the multiple projects being implemented as part of your annual Fleet Business Plan.

Throughout the year, IPWEA runs Fleet Management Training Days in each state to connect the local fleet communities in a formal way. They are designed to provide ongoing professional development and networking opportunities with a focus on emerging trends and case studies presented by Fleet Managers.

At the annual IPWEA Fleet Conference, hundreds of fleet practitioners and suppliers gather to connect in the exhibition space and learn from an exciting program of speakers. There are many elements to managing a fleet of cars, trucks and plant so the conference provides an opportunity over several days to focus on the four dimensions of fleet management (Technical, Strategy, People, Technology) without the interruptions of the daily operational challenges.


IPWEA Fleet Subscribers have access to a range of resources which have been developed and shared by fleet practitioners. Each resource is peer reviewed with the help of the IPWEA Fleet Council to ensure it can be used by Fleet Managers to manage their assets more efficiently and effectively.

The Plant and Vehicle Management Manual (PVMM) is an essential “how to” guide for the management of diverse fleets comprising heavy plant, passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, heavy vehicles and minor plant.

In its 4th Edition, the PVMM recognises the maturing of asset management as a discipline and references ISO 55000 for Asset Management and the IPWEA International Infrastructure Management Manual. Further, the asset management maturity model is applied within the PVMM with the inclusion of a Fleet Management Maturity Guide at the end of each chapter (where applicable).

Access to PVMM e-book is included in the Premium Fleet Subscription.

Plant and Vehicle Management Manual (PVMM)

Plant & Vehicle Maintenance Safe Practice Guide (PVMSPG)

Plant & Vehicle Maintenance Safe Practice Guide


Health and safety must be a priority for everyone involved in the workplace. Directors, managers and workers all have to be vigilant in ensuring safe systems of work. It is not only a legal requirement but a moral one that people go home at the end of each shift without injury or negative effects to their health.

Plant and vehicle maintenance is a complex area that carries many potential risks to health and safety and it is for this reason that the Plant and Vehicle Maintenance Safe Practice Guide has been written.

It is the objective of this document to share the collective knowledge of those working in plant and vehicle maintenance and provide potential controls to a range of common risks.

Access to PVMSPG e-book is included in the Premium Fleet Subscription.

Fleet Subscriber Benefits

The IPWEA Fleet Subscription is an annual membership for your organisation which allows all staff involved in the management of the mobile fleet assets to access resources such as the Plant and Vehicle Management Manual (PVMM).

Subscription inclusions



Access to PVMM e-book for the entire organisation

Access to PVMSPG e-book for the entire organisation

Discount on Fleet Management Certificate


Complimentary registration for Fleet Management Certificate in the subscribed year

Discount on Fleet Conference


Discount on Fleet Conference Exhibitor bookings (+ additional passes)


Discount on Fleet Management Training


Discount on Professional Services


Fleet Consulting

4 hours per annum

Fleet Resources

1 x Full Page ad in the PVMM

1 x Banner Advertisement in Fleet intouch newsletter

Logo on website in Supplier section

*Supplier Subscriptions will be prorated until 1 January 2025 after which suppliers will be required to subscribe until 30 June 2026. Contact admin@ipwea.org for any enquiries.