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How sustainable is your Council’s road maintenance program? How could it be made more sustainable? How does it rate on sustainability with those of other councils? Get answers to these questions, and more, by nominating your council to participate in the pilot application of the Australian...
prospectus inviting councils to nominate for pilot_V3_0811122.pdf
#Australia #RegistrationFormorBrochure #AssetManagement
2 attachments
Darwin is the only Australian city featured in recently-released Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2012 - and is the location for the IPWEA International Public Works Conference in August 2013. According to Lonely Planet, Darwin offers a “pumping nocturnal scene, magical markets and...
Information pack, including registration form, for the 2012 IPWEA National Study Tour - Finland, Sweden & Estonia. #ParksLandscapeUrbanDesign #RoadConstructionMaintenance #AssetManagement #RegistrationFormorBrochure #WasteManagement #WaterSewerage #SkillShortagesHR ...
2012 IPWEA National Study Tour_Helsinki_Stockholm_Tallin Info pack (2).pdf