Supplement to the International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM) 2020
The three ISO Asset Management (AM) Standards have the potential to impact all organizations who have AM responsibilities. These Standards, whilst framed on the management of physical assets, can be utilised for any asset type and by any size organisation. They address the requirements for a management system (not software) for the management of assets and comprise:
- ISO 55000 Asset management – Overview, principles and terminology
- ISO 55001 Asset management – Management systems - Requirements
- ISO 55002 Asset management – Management systems - Guidelines for the application of ISO 55001
Your complimentary Supplement to the IIMM 2020 will:
Provide a practical guide towards implementing ISO 55001
Map the ISO 'what is required' clauses against the IIMM 'how to' sections
Help you compare and better understand key ISO definitions
Introduce you to the valuable IIMM toolbox.