International Infrastructure Financial Management Manual (IIFMM)


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1300 416 745

The global standard in infrastructure financial management - Published 2024

Based on a decade of experience in promoting aligning of accounting standards with infrastructure management in Australia, IPWEA is pleased to be able to expand these concepts to apply on the global stage. This International Infrastructure Financial Management Manual (IIFMM) has evolved from the Australian Infrastructure Financial Management Guidelines which were first published in 2009. Since then we have had increasing world-wide interest in the need to better manage infrastructure assets.

The Manual provides the practical “how to” tools for asset and financial management practitioners to report and manage infrastructure assets in a consistent way, based on the Accounting Standards applicable in various Countries. The Manual is all about getting asset and financial professionals, all speaking a common language and taking a common approach.

Financial Management for long life infrastructure assets is about achieving the right balance between cost, risk and performance of assets in the provision of services required by the community and all users of that infrastructure.

Compliance with the relevant International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), applicable local Accounting Standards or other requirements is an accepted regulatory requirement. However, good financial management goes beyond mere compliance.

Optimal investment in infrastructure assets requires that those assets be appropriately acquired, operated, maintained, renewed and disposed of, so as to provide the required levels of service now and into the future, at the minimal lifecycle cost.