Aligning Accounting Standards with Infrastructure Management
The companion publication to the IIMM on the financial management front is the new Second Edition of the former Australian Infrastructure Financial Management Guidelines (AIFMG) – now renamed Australian Infrastructure Financial Management Manual (AIFMM).
The AIFMM is an IPWEA project that has involved collaboration with the National Local Government Financial Management Forum. The AIFMM provide the practical “how to” tools for asset and financial management practitioners to report and manage infrastructure assets in a nationally consistent way, complying with Australian Accounting Standards.
The Manual is all about getting asset and financial professionals, all speaking a common language and taking a common approach. Financial management for long life infrastructure assets is about achieving the right balance between cost, risk and performance of assets in the provision of services required by the community. Whilst compliance with relevant Australian Accounting Standards is an accepted regulatory requirement, good infrastructure financial management goes beyond mere compliance.
The LGA SA provides considerable support to assist SA councils with sound asset management, financial planning and accounting practices. In its guidance material, training courses, and the Model Financial Statements that councils are required to follow, extensive reference is made to the AIFMM as the authoritative source of more detailed relevant information on a wide range of specific issues. The LGA SA encourages councils to utilise the AIFMM, as it has assisted both the LGA in our support programs, and SA councils in their financial and asset management performance.
Mayor Dave Burgess, President LGA SA
We have found the advice contained in the AIFMM very relevant for a water authority. It has helped MidCoast Water to refine its asset accounting treatments and improve its financial strategies to achieve long-term financial sustainability.
Darryl Hancock, Acting General Manager, MidCoast Water