Hi Clare
Comments on your questions from Taupo District, in order...
1. No reinforcing as long as base preparation meeting minimum standards for even compaction and thickness is complying. Pre-pour inspection, beam and impact test required.
2. Residential environment - 9 lots. Rural environment 12 lots before public road status is required - unless specifically varied by consent with a proper management and funding mechanism.
3. Either surfacing is acceptable.
4. Widths varies depending on environment and number of users as per table in our District Plan and Code of Practice. e.g. Residential environment up to 3 users legal width of 3.5m and formation 2.75m.
5. Kerbs or nib-kerbs are required for AC edge support. Stormwater runoff collection is required.
6. Up to 3 users can be metal surface on 3m wide formation, as long as gradients are gentle (generally under 6%). Sealed vehicle entrances within road reserve. Chip seal for more than 3 users. Public road guideline after 12 users.
7. Soakage generally in residential areas wherever practical. Rural areas runoff to land, without causing nuisance.
Regards, Roger Stokes; Development Engineer.
Original Message:
Sent: 09 December 2019 21:52
From: Clare Hamilton
Subject: IPWEA NZ E-NEWS - JOIN THE DISCUSSION - Shared Accessway Details
As advertised in the latest edition of IPWEA NZ e-news, the LDEG Committee would like to know. . .
What are your standards for shared access ways:
- Do you require reinforcing if it serves a certain number of dwellings?
- How many dwellings do you allow before a road is required?
- Must you install a concrete access way or is asphalt acceptable?
- What widths do you require?
- Do you require kerb and channel?
- What do you do in rural situations?
- How do you treat stormwater?
Join our discussion by commenting below on your local standards for constructing shared access ways. We are keen to hear how this varies across the country and want to encourage everyone to learn from each other.
Happy posting,
Your friendly LDEG Committee
Clare Hamilton
LDEG Committee Member