Hello Adam
I wouldn't approve the TCP, just as I wouldn't approve a sediment control plan. They have to monitor and adjust as required by traffic ( or sediment and dust ) conditions so they get the required results. Safe, minimise disruption to other traffic, no sediment or dust off site.
Approving a plan means they don't have to monitor and adjust, we were doing what Council said, blame them for our stuff up.
We will often approve or stipulate a route for trucks from the site to the state road for larger developments, and see they have some TCPs.
Also will reject TCPs that don't meet the Development Consent, such as taking out parking where they said they wouldn't as part of the DA.
I am happy to tell them what I think is something that is not the best with the TCP, or that I would have differently on a TCP I prepared, but will only say they must meet the requirements of Traffic Control At Worksites Manual from R&MS ( for NSW ).
As I can't control what they do, I am not going to take responsibility for it either.
Rangers can usually get them for not following the route or times as well as for not following the submitted TCP.
Jim Turner
Team Leader Design Projects
Original Message:
Sent: 15 February 2016 23:59
From: Adam Mularczyk
Subject: Traffic Control Plans for development works on public roads
Hope you can help
I note that some Councils "approve" traffic control plans (TCPs) for works on public roads by contractors engaged by a developer.
Is the road owner (Council) required to approve of these TCPs or is it acceptable to condition that they are to be prepared by an RMS licenced person & installed by RMS licenced person & audited daily by the contractor as part of their WH & S Plan for the site?
Alternatively, if Council approves of the TCPs, the respective Council officers should have the appropriate RMS licence.
Most recent training for this indicates that if Council does approve the TCPs in addition to reviewing & approving the TCPs we will also have to conduct risk assessments, review the site possibly morning & evening in addition to a number of other tasks.
This will limit available resources from carrying out core tasks & increase Local Government Liabilities.
Are any Councils that have had very recent involvement with the TCP training, concerned regarding these changes?
Are you proposing to change processes or increase resources or both?
Any comments greatly appreciated.
Adam Mularczyk
Team Co-ordinator Development Engineering
Wyong Shire Council