

FLEET Manager’s column: Don't get caught without a succession plan

By intouch * posted 20-06-2018 10:01


It’s no secret – the baby boomers aren’t getting any younger and they’re leaving the workforce in droves. So, as this experienced and skilled group of individuals disappear over the horizon, caravan in tow, how will your organisation fill the gap?

Rob_wilson_b_w.jpgLosing organisational knowledge is well-recognised in human resource and senior management circles, but despite this recognition, is often not given the attention it deserves. When an experienced employee leaves the fold, they take with them knowledge about; processes, pitfalls, contacts and an insight into the industry sometimes acquired over 40 or 50 years.

We often hear “our people are our greatest asset” – so where is the asset plan?

We need to plan for the departure of individuals from our organisations, whether that be management or other key positions right across the organisation. People may leave to retire but others will leave for new opportunities. What if your storeperson or leading hand is promoted or resigns? You need to fill the gap. This notion of being prepared for staff changes is the essence of succession planning.

Succession planning requires a proactive approach to identifying key roles (by position or individual as appropriate) and detailing how that position would be filled if vacated. If filling a position entails moving another employee into the role, then consideration must be given to the professional development required to get the new individual ready for the job.

Professional development can and should include a broad range of activities. Opportunities like acting in the role, shadowing the incumbent, taking on additional responsibilities, formal training and so on can all help prepare the right employee for the next step.

Succession planning doesn’t just happen – it requires active management. In my view it is incumbent on us as current managers to ensure the organisation continues to grow and improve after our send-off barbecue. If you haven’t already, why not develop a succession plan for your department?

Rob Wilson


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