

Internal Combustion column: It's not my fault, it's fleet's

By intouch * posted 05-12-2017 11:49


How annoying it is when operational staff use the excuse “It’s not my fault, it's fleet’s!”? 

We supply the vehicle and, more often than not, the operations department provides the drivers/operator.

Accountability-Black-Marker-505096088_727x484.jpegThe reality is that although fleet usually own the asset, we do not have any input on the day-to-day management of the asset and often only see the asset when maintenance is required.

So why is it when a traffic infringement for overloading or unsecured load is enforced the driver says “It’s not my fault, it's fleet’s”?

How is it our fault that the driver did not secure or cover the load, especially when fleet provides tie down points, ratchet straps, knowledge, advice, inductions, etc?

When will these people stand up and take some responsibility? We all have a role to play in ensuring the safe and effective operation of the fleet.

To stop our Anonymous Fleet Manager (AFM) blowing a gasket, we created Internal Combustion, a monthly column for fleet-related rants that lets him blow off some steam. Got a fleet gripe you'd like to get his opinion on? Email and she'll pass it on to AFM – when he's in a good enough mood, that is.