

IPWEA: bringing sexy back to infrastructure

By intouch * posted 03-11-2015 13:31


The 2015 editions of the IPWEA’s flagship manuals have been launched and orders are already streaming in.


IPWEA CEO Robert Fuller launched the 2015 editions of the International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM) and the Australian Financial Infrastructure Management Manual (AIFMM) at the NSW and Qld Division conferences and at the Victorian AGM in October.

The presentations tantalised attendees with an unexpected twist – “sexy” mock covers for the IIMM and AIFMM, and a humorous video which discussed making infrastructure sexy.

While the presentations entertained the audiences, Fuller says there was an important point to the frivolity – infrastructure, although vitally important, is often forgotten by the majority of the population unless something goes wrong.

“You’re dealing with major infrastructure assets that of themselves don't usually capture people's imagination – roads, bridges, dams and the like,” Fuller says.

“It’s getting people excited about 'nothing happening', which is no small feat. If something bad happens with infrastructure, then you’ve done something wrong!" 

IPWEA Australasia President Ross Goyne agrees. 

“IPWEA’s members work hard to make sure nothing untoward happens that impacts on our communities," Goyne says.

"It is therefore sometimes difficult to get the message across as infrastructure (which supports the services delivered to the public) tends to be taken for granted as the norm. As funds for renewal of infrastructure become more difficult to obtain politically, the risk to the community of infrastructure failure increases. We will continue to strive to ensure our communities are liveable and safe." 

Changes to asset management such as ISO 55000 on Asset Management Systems and a new ruling from the Australian Accounting Standards Board regarding recognition of Residual Value for Infrastructure Assets have created a degree of uncertainty in the industry.

The IIMM and AIFMM, which are sold both separately and as a companion set from the IPWEA’s online bookshop, provide clarity on these changes to help public works professionals manage and report on their public assets.

This dedication to providing the best possible resource has been taken a step further, with the addition of a quick reference guide, previously sold separately, inside the cover of each manual.

Fuller says a free downloadable ISO reference tool will also be available on the IPWEA website by the end of November.

“It will allow public works professionals and engineers to specifically reference the ISO clauses in the IIMM,” Fuller says.

While New Zealand takes the award for the largest single order of manuals so far, Fuller says he is expecting a lot more to sell, with sales of the IIMM alone expected to exceed the 4000 sold in 2013/14.

Fuller says the IIMM is used as an essential resource in 11 countries, including Canada, parts of the US and around Europe, and New Zealand has expressed some interest in using the AIFMM as a reference tool, to compare their accounting requirements.

A series of one-day workshops and webinars designed to support manual users are now rolling out around the country.

AIFMM one-day workshops 
Brisbane – 11 November
Melbourne – 12 November
Sydney – 16 November
Adelaide – 17 November
Perth – 18 November

IIMM webinar sessions
Session 1 - 90 min - 1.30pm AEST – 26 November
Session 2 - 90 min - 1:30pm AEST – 3 December

Please note that training in New Zealand will be advised by IPWEA NZ.