The IPWEA-WA Public Works Professional Development Week is Coming in November 2024!

We are delighted to announce that the Call for Teaching Papers is now open!

Members of the Institute, professionals and academics working the public works engineering space are invited to submit expressions of interest to present a teaching paper at the 2024 Public Works Professional Development Week which will be held from Monday 25 – Friday 29 November 2024.

Save the date!

All papers and presentations must contain a teaching element with handouts/notes for distribution to the delegates. The Public Works Professional Development Week is aimed at providing practical, hands-on training that can be implemented straight into the workplace. It is aimed at training our younger members - as well as those working in supervisory, technical, and operational roles - in the public works space in the most up-to-date practices and procedures.


Abstracts addressing the Public Works Professional Development Week topics should include a focus on providing information on new processes, technologies or lessons learned. The inclusion of case studies is welcomed. Potential presenters are requested to provide a personal bio and an abstract of no more than 300 words outlining the content of their paper to by Friday 28 July 2024.


Presentations will be divided into the following presentation timeslots: 45 minutes (minimum), 90 minutes, half day, full day.

When submitting your abstract, please advise of the timeframe required for your presentation.

Teaching Papers

A condition of submission and acceptance is the provision of a teaching paper to supply to the delegates.

If you’re interested in presenting, please ensure that your abstract is submitted by close of business Friday 5 July 2024.

Please feel free to pass this information onto anyone you think would be interested in presenting.

While we are working on the program and presentations, we’d also like for you to please keep these dates free for your staff, as the Public Works Professional Development Week has been designed specifically with them in mind.

Foundation Grants are available for this event – please see the website for details. Information is located in the Public Works Engineering Foundation page under the About tab.

We look forward to receiving your submissions and also seeing your registrations for the Public Works Professional Development Week!