Become a Member

Become a Member, Be Supported by IPWEA

IPWEA Aotearoa provides the New Zealand public works sector with globally recognised resources to enhance the quality of life of our communities. 

With its history dating back to 1905, the market-leading professional association for public works across Australasia and beyond creates sustainable value for our members through: 

Tools & Resources 

Benefit from access to internationally recognised publications, tools and resources including industry related Practice Notes and the IIMM that will help you in your day-to-day work...

  • Technical Publications: Access a suite of technical resources, including the IPWEA owned   International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM), and the International Infrastructure Financial Management Manual (IIFMM) plus many other technical manuals, practice notes and research papers that support effective public works, fleet and asset management practice. Only IPWEA NZ Members enjoy a discounted individual subscription for the IIMM and IIFMM. 
  • IPWEA+ Platform:  ISO aligned tools and resources to support your practice, including NAMS+, a comprehensive online toolkit for Asset Management Planning. IPWEA’s Ask Your Mates Forum gives you access to a global community of practice for public works professionals. 

Professional Development 

Receive Member discounts to our international Asset Management Pathway Courses, along with many other online learning and training opportunities throughout the year… 

  • Comprehensive Educational Programs: IPWEA’s Asset Management Pathway offers an internationally recognised development pathway linked to international certification. Comprising multiple learning levels and delivered online, the Pathway supports career development, progression and recognition in asset management. IPWEA Aotearoa offers a range of educational programs cover topics such as, fleet management, infrastructure planning, and engineering best practices.  
  •  Certification and Accreditation: The IPWEA Asset Management Pathway connects you to the World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM) Global Certification Scheme that recognise professional competency and commitment to ongoing learning, enhancing career prospects and professional credibility. 


Members enjoy discounted rates to hosted local and international conferences and events and access to technical committees and working groups, enabling deeper engagement 

  • Conferences and Events: Regularly hosted local and international conferences and events provide platforms for professionals to share insights, discuss challenges, and collaborate on solutions.  
  • Committees and Forums: Members have access to technical committees and working groups, and community forums enabling deeper engagement and collaboration with peers whilst facilitating knowledge sharing. 


IPWEA Aotearoa represents the interests of public works professionals at national and local government levels, and contributes to the development and review of industry standards and best practice guidelines 

  • Industry Advocacy: IPWEA Aotearoa represents the interests of public works professionals at national and local government levels, advocating for policies and initiatives that support sustainable infrastructure development and effective public works management. 
  • Standards and Guidelines: IPWEA contributes to the development and review of industry standards and best practice guidelines, ensuring high-quality and consistent public works practices across New Zealand and the international community. 

Community Recognition 

IPWEA acknowledges outstanding contributions and achievements within the public works sector through various awards and recognition programs providing a sense of belonging to a professional community 

  • Awards and Recognition Programs: IPWEA acknowledges outstanding contributions and achievements within the public works sector through various awards and recognition programs, highlighting the importance of excellence and innovation. As an esteemed partner of global associations including GFMAM and IFME, winners of the IPWEA Excellence Award can present on a global stage. 
  • Member Community: IPWEA Aotearoa provides a sense of belonging to a professional community dedicated to the advancement of public works and services, asset management planning, delivery, and operations. 

Membership Fees

Web Account Associate Member Retired
Web Account
Associate Member
NZ $203.50
NZ $330
NZ $93.50
Student Member View and contribute to CoP Discussion Forums, Receive intouch e-newsletter and Read free articles on insite.

Corporate membership

Corporate membership is designed for organisation's who commit to the professional development of their employees and engagement with the Public Works Engineering profession.

Key benefits:

  • Different discount levels depending on the number of your nominated members.
  • An overall discount to reflect bulk purchase (discounts detailed below).
  • Having one invoice for all nominated member subscriptions.
  • Nominated members listed in the Package scheme can be transferred to another nominated member no more than once a year (ideal if staff cease employment or change roles and are replaced – saving the organization the cost of taking out new membership for the new staff member if they are not already an existing IPWEA Member).

Corporate membership

Nominated members in your Organisation

Discount available per nominated member (based on a Membership Fee of $330 NZD per person)

1 to 9 nominated members


10 to 30 nominated members


31 to 50 nominated members


51 and over nominated members


Your organisation itself is not a member, you are receiving a discount when members are bundled on the same invoice and paid for by your organisation. It is also important to note that some users in your organisation may be a member, but not be included in the bundle paid for by your organisation.

To go ahead or for further information please contact Steve Mooney, Country Head – New Zealand / Aotearoa at