Engineering an effective transport network!
Designed for engineers, technical officer and works supervisors
Presented by Australian Road Research Board experts, this online course provides insights into optimal transport network planning and traffic management.
Learning Outcomes:
- Road space requirements for general traffic, freight, public transport, cyclists and pedestrians
- Best-practice traffic management principles, objectives and approaches
- Application of the safe systems approach to user safety and road safety engineering
- Accommodating active travel modes within road infrastructure using a safe systems approach
Based on ARRB’s extensive research and referencing well-established industry standards and guidelines, this course is a must for anyone developing or managing an integrated community transport network.
This course provides CPD in the area of civil engineering.

IPWEA members: $1,980
Non-members: $2,420
Session 1: Integrated Transport Planning
9:00am-1:00pm 13 September 2023
Session 2: Traffic Management
9:00am-1:00pm 20 September 2023
Session 3: User Safety
9:00am-1:00pm 27 September 2023
Session 4: Active Travel
9:00am-1:00pm 4 October 2023