Under the state government’s co-regulatory model, registration under the Professional Engineers Registration Act 2019 (PER Act) is a 2-step process:
- Assessment entities will:
- assess an applicant’s qualifications and experience under an Assessment Scheme approved by Victoria’s Business Licensing Authority
- assess an applicant’s continuing professional development activity under an approved Assessment Scheme (for registration renewal only)
- The Business Licensing Authority will:
- approve and revoke the approval of assessment schemes
- receive advice from an assessment entity regarding an applicant’s qualifications, experience and CPD activity to determine applications for registration and renewal (probity checks inclusive of criminal history checks and matters relating to fitness to practice)
- maintain a Register of Professional Engineers, including changes following disciplinary action (with assistance from Consumer Affairs Victoria and the Victorian Building Authority)
IPWEA Victoria operates a BLA-approved Assessment Scheme and will accept and assess applications from anyone seeking registration in the civil area of engineering, however we are unable to provide endorsement to practise as a professional engineer in the building industry. Application requirements are set out in our Assessment Scheme and applications will be accepted from IPWEA members and non-members.
Our Assessment Scheme does not require participation in any member certification scheme. Applicants with membership of a scheme operated by an assessment entity that purports to have entry requirements equal to or higher than the prescribed qualification and experience or competency requirements (e.g. Engineers Australia or Professionals Australia) should approach the assessment entity operating that scheme.