

FLEET Manager's column: Rising to the challenges of a heavy workload

By intouch * posted 16-06-2017 16:10

Rob Wilson – Manager IPWEA FLEET

Our working lives are not getting any less busy. I read recently about how a new salutation has developed. Some says “Hi – how ya goin'?’” and the new response is “Busy!”.

rob%20wilsonv2.jpgThis increasing pace is attributable to a number of reasons. A drive to improve efficiency within organisations often means staffing is reduced and more work is spread across fewer people. There is also an increasing compliance burden as regulatory obligations increase and organisational policy requirements and reporting rise. Beyond this the ever-present nature of technology means we’re always 'on-call'. Email, mobile calls and texts mean the traditional line between business hours and after-hours is blurred. And along with modern communication comes an expectation of a quick response

So, is this likely to change anytime soon? I would suggest the answer is no. The fact is that many of these new requirements are necessary and have been established for good reasons. What we need to do is look at how we can meet the challenge of more with less. That’s why IPWEA FLEET will continue to develop resources and tools to help you save time by not having to re-invent the wheel. We’ve now launched our resources page for subscribers, which we will continue to add to and evolve. We will also continue to provide practical fleet management professional development opportunities to make sure you and your team are well equipped for the tasks you need to do.

Why not share some of your time saving and efficiency tips on Ask Your Mates? How are you coping with a challenging workload?