Responsible Intelligence: A Guiding Hand
State-of-the-art support for engineers and asset managers
CAMS (Central Asset Management System) is a cloud-hosted predictive modelling tool enabling responsible and informed decision-making to optimise asset management.
CAMS is an outcome of research conducted by RMIT University with Victorian local councils, Municipal Association of Victoria, Melbourne Water & VicRoads (DOT), deployed in partnership with McDonald Lucas Pty Ltd.
Covering all major asset classes managed by local councils, CAMS is now a proven and reliable data source with an intuitive interface commercially deployed across over 4000 facilities including councils, hospitals, commercial precincts and major PPPs in Australia. New modules under development include:
- Disaster resilience of asset systems
- Energy retrofitting of buildings
- Material passports for sustainability
- Automated inspections
Presented by:
- Prof. Sujeeva Setunge | Associate Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research & Innovation RMIT University and Director, ARC TREMS Hub
- Steve Verity | Principal Advisor Asset Management IPWEA
Don’t miss this FREE AM webinar and Q&A session!