Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that made the trip to the NSW YIPWEA event at Wet n Wild Sydney. The overall vibe suggested that it was a successful day (despite the weather) and i hope everyone got a lot of the tour and the networking afterwards.
Special thanks goes to Karl Anderson from Wet n Wild for taking us around the park; who i thought was very informative, and to Emily Rankine for coming as the IPWEA representative. Also, thanks to Sue Hickman who was did most of the organising with Wet n Wild; it wouldn't of been a successful day without her help.
We are in the process of writing a short report on the event so keep an eye out on that.
I believe, as YIPWEA members, we should catch up more often with events like this. If you have a significant development in your area or just wish to catch up i strongly suggest you contact the IPWEA to arrange some sort of get together.
I know personally i got a lot out of the day and hope everyone enjoyed it and we catch up again soon.
Christopher Wahbe
Blacktown City Council
Original Message:
Sent: 02-03-2014 15:24
From: Christopher Wahbe
Subject: YIPWEA Xmas get-together
Hi Everyone,
I hope everyone had an enjoyable break over the Christmas and New Years period.
Just posting an update regarding the possible technical tour at Wet n Wild.
We have been in contact with the owners of the theme park and they have advised us that they can accommodate a technical tour for us this February!
I shall post more details as they are confirmed so please keep watch of this forum. One thing they did mention was that the tour day could only be on a Friday (weekends for them are very busy).
As a side note, Sue and myself have spread the word here at Blacktown Council and we know of at least 7 more engineers who have expressed an interest in this tour; and as a result, have signed up with the IPWEA.
Lastly, I think it would be a fantastic idea if the YIPWEA could arrange a get together on an annual basis. What are your thoughts? I know a group of us here at Blacktown would be keen for that to happen.
Christopher Wahbe
Blacktown City Council
Original Message:
Sent: 22-01-2014 03:02
From: Phillip King
Subject: YIPWEA Xmas get-together
Hi Everyone,
I hope this proposal gets enough support to proceed, I think I could send three from Lachlan.
To get a technical tour plus the chance to hold a strategy meeting for 2014 would great.
Now that I'm 36, do I still get a start?
You might be able to organise for Friday 24 Jan but it's still school holidays and probably quite busy at the park
The first Friday or Saturday in Feb might be the best date to try for. I'm with Will on setting the day as a Saturday but I guess it's got to work for Wet'n'wild.
Phil King
Phillip King
Director Infrastructure Services
Lachlan Shire Council