Hi everyone,
I came across this video today (via Facebook!) which is essentially trying to develop early childhood methods for attracting young people into the field of engineering, in this case specifically females.
http://www.upworthy.com/if-3-little-girls-did-this-to-my-house-id-do-everything-i-could-to-get-them-full-rides-to-stanford?c=fea <http://www.upworthy.com/if-3-little-girls-did-this-to-my-house-id-do-everything-i-could-to-get-them-full-rides-to-stanford?c=fea>
I found it quite interesting, and it is actually setup as an advertisement for a profession through toys. Whether it is effective or not its probably far too early to say, but its a great concept! Bit of a different way to look at attracting young professionals into the industry!
Kim Sedgwick
Chair, Young IPWEA
Operations Manager (Systems)
ARRB Group
Vermont South VIC