Welcome to our new Young IPWEA community! Here you can post discussions and questions which you would like to discuss with other young professionals across our industry. We are generally targeting Under 35's as our Young IPWEA network. Please don't feel intimidated or shy, we are all here to help each other out and it would be great if everyone got involved!
We hope that this new IPWEA community will assist in the development, networking and guidance of Young IPWEA professionals; however it is only as good as we make it. If there is anything you would like to see us improve or have any ideas please put them forward via this forum or directly to one of the Young IPWEA Committee.
I look forward to joining in the discussions and continuing to promote the success of young professionals within public works.
Check out our new Young IPWEA website at
Kim Sedgwick
National Chair, Young IPWEA
Operations Manager (Systems)
ARRB Group